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Skinnarebo Golf

Skinnarebo Golf

Welcome to Skinnarebo Golf & Country Club!

Skinnarebo G&CC is a 18 hole course approximately 8 kilometers outside Jönköping (a 15 minute drive). The course is situated in a unique countryside enviroment, which also offers a par 3-course open to everyone (also non-golfers), training areas, driving range and one of Swedens most modern studios where you - together with our professional instructors - can try out new equipment or get help with your game.

If you are driving, choose road 40 from Jönköping towards Gothenburg, just outside the city turn towards Jönköping Airport and continue for about 8 kilometers. Here you can find a map: map

Beneath the headline "Banorna" ("Courses") above, you can find course guides, score cards and other information about the courses.

If you have any questions about the course, our club or anything else, please don´t hesitate to call our Golfcenter – Shop - PRO at +46-(0)36 - 690 75 or by e-mail: Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.

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036 - 690 75

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Skinnarebo Golf
555 93 Jönköping

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Öppettider Golfcenter - Shop - PRO


Måndag - Torsdag 08:00-18:00
Fredag 08:00 - 17:00
Helgdagar 08:00 - 15:00

Telefon 036 - 690 75

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